Book Reviews for
"Belarus in Crisis"
(Hurst Publishers (UK)/Oxford University Press (US), 2023)

Publisher's description:​
In 2020, mass anti-government protests erupted across Belarus. The brutal crackdown that followed shocked the international community: the authorities arrested tens of thousands of citizens, shut down independent media and NGOs. But where many thought Belarus's dictator, Alyaksandr Lukashenka, would fall, he instead turned to Moscow for support, intensifying repression. Many of his opponents fled the country. Then, in February 2022, Belarus provided a staging area for Russia's invasion of Ukraine, allowing troops and missile systems to be based on its territory as large-scale war returned to Eastern Europe once again. Many outsiders now view Belarus as little more than a Russian military district, rather than a sovereign country.
This book is a captivating introduction to a country in turmoil.
The Times Literary Supplement
Amy Knight writes: "[A] deeply researched and valuable study of the history, culture and current politics of Belarus"
The Moscow Times
Pippa Crawford writes: "A concise and yet wide-ranging study... [Hansbury] has a sharp eye for detail, capturing the pragmatic and slightly petty flavor of the regime's repressions"
The Russian Review
Tatsiana Kulakevich writes: "An accessible text that thoroughly combines information and ideas... practical for students as well as researchers interested in a deeper understanding of the history of Belarus, as well as learning about the political crisis and subsequent engagement of the Lukashenka regime in the Russian war against Ukraine"
Politique étrangère
Catherine Iffly writes: "Les analyses nuancées de l’auteur nous permettent de comprendre la crise politique d’août 2020 et ses conséquences majeures, pour le pays ainsi que pour l’équilibre régional et européen"
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