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Who Am I?

I write about international politics and security policy, with a particular focus on Russia and Belarus. My first book, Belarus in Crisis: From Domestic Unrest to the Russia-Ukraine War, is available from Hurst Publishers (details here). I'm currently working on a second book which is about US-Russia relations.



I have a PhD in International Relations from the University of Oxford and am currently a research fellow with the Warwick Ukraine-Belarus Hub (WUB Hub) at the University of Warwick. Please see here for details of other services I can offer.


My blog

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Can you support the site?

My website does not have any funding or sponsorship. Everything written on the blog is my raw, independent opinion. If you find my insights helpful please do consider buying me a coffee (click here) or a copy of my book. It really will help me to keep going! And you get to feel smug and charitable about it.


Social media 

You can find me on X/Twitter (@paulhansbury1), LinkedIn and Facebook. Please click on the icons at the bottom of the screen.



For readers interested in human rights, then I would like to point you to my late wife's book: taking up philosophical criticisms of the liberal basis for human rights, it offers a reformulation grounded in relational theory. It's pricey, but why not order a copy for your local/institutional library? 


Thank you for visiting my website!

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